Monday, January 10, 2011


Again, another grading period has gone away. Together with this are the memories that I have treasured the most. Many things have happened to me this grading period and It's hard to let go of all these things but life must go on in its cycle of change.

This grading period was exciting because we did our own websites. Even though I had a hard time because of those confusing tags, I still think that making my own website is worth a while. It just make me feel satisfied that I have done such a great job.

Now, I will take another step higher. This only signifies that our graduation day is nearing but then, I will do everything to make the best out of our remaining time in this institution. it will serve as my inspiration to fulfilling my dreams in college. Fortunately, I passed in the UPCAT but then, I will not study there.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year, New Beginning

Traditionally, we embrace the new year by having grand celebrations, not to mention how the display of sparkling colors in the sky make this party even merrier. But the new year is not about delicious foods, lively environment and all good stuff. For me, it is the start of something new. Something better.

I am aware that I have commited numerous mistakes in the previous year. And so this year, I plan to become a better sister, friend, student and daugter. This is my chance of transforming myself into a HAZEL which everyone will love. New year is the beginning of new and an exeptional life. Also, since I am already graduating, I plan to make the last weeks with my friends memorable. For sure, I will miss them but I have to go with the flow of life. This graduation will not be the end. It will be a new beginning of another step of my struggle in life.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The True Essence of Christmas


The cold breeze in the air, boys and girls singing at the streets and colorful lights in the evening signifies that Christmas season is again here.

Christmas is a time when we consecrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our savior. This season only come once a year and people make the best out of it. Most people take this opportunity to reunite with their families and friends. And as a tradition, we prepare delicious foods that the family can enjoy together.

Christmas. It is the season of sharing and loving, for Jesus Christ wanted us to do such things. He has been born to save us from sins and we should reciprocate what he did. Christmas is not about how expensive our gifts are, but it's about the concern we have for them. And I think perhaps saying "I love you" is incomparable with any other material thing that anyone can give.

So, I wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!