Sunday, January 2, 2011

The True Essence of Christmas


The cold breeze in the air, boys and girls singing at the streets and colorful lights in the evening signifies that Christmas season is again here.

Christmas is a time when we consecrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our savior. This season only come once a year and people make the best out of it. Most people take this opportunity to reunite with their families and friends. And as a tradition, we prepare delicious foods that the family can enjoy together.

Christmas. It is the season of sharing and loving, for Jesus Christ wanted us to do such things. He has been born to save us from sins and we should reciprocate what he did. Christmas is not about how expensive our gifts are, but it's about the concern we have for them. And I think perhaps saying "I love you" is incomparable with any other material thing that anyone can give.

So, I wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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